Vancouver Independent Film Festival

A Movie is Born
Mastering the film making skills at ForkShop film school, experience the hero characters, an exclusive interview with founder Stephen Blackmon.
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The organizing and administrative team of the Vancouver Independent Film Festival started their activities ten years ago, in the form of a successful collaboration between Vancouver-based Pacific United Production and 24 frames company in Canada. Since this cooperation’s commencement, countless events, from screenings and stage performances to appreciation nights, galas and cruise trips on opening and closing ceremonies, have been successfully executed in Vancouver. Following the remarkable success in Vancouver’s organizing events, the need and demand for a Festival in Vancouver became prominent. With specific attention to the diverse population in Vancouver, the decision was made to organize and execute a genuine international film festival to cover all the nationalities and communities in Vancouver and, to a greater extent, in Northern America.
The Vancouver Independent Film Festival was created with both a seasonal and yearly structure with online and physical screenings. At the end of each season, the jury selects the winners of each category through private screenings. The winners of each season “might” be then considered for yearly competition; if they get chosen by the programming committee, they will be shown and compete with other films-winners at the annual event. The location of the festival is Kay Meek Art Centre. Considering the Covid’d situation, if we manage to have a physical event this year, the official selection nominees are more than welcome to attend our annual screening event and red carpet ceremony. Winners will be announced on our website and social media pages every season.
What have been created was Vancouver Independent Film Festival which is a yearly film festival with online and physical screenings. At the end of each season, the jury selects the winners of each category through private screenings. The winners of each season will be then considered for yearly competition; if they get selected by the programming committee , they will be shown and compete with other films-winners at the yearly event. The location of the festival is Kay Meek Art Centre.
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