Bluez Dolphins International Short Film Fest

The Reporter from Ocoee with Love
The Reporter is one of the greatest characters where Kriss Boiadzhieff delivers the news in his own way, he has a dream to make the best rafting experience for everyone. Oh GOD he did it, he is rafting since 2013 and planning to become a raft guide but he is still afraid to do it. You are going to see amazing rafting and helicopter footage, the guest star Sonya Suares Alonzo playing as Sonya Fernanddez, and special appearance of the real Big Foot, snow beast, Sasquatch you named.
Bluez Dolphins International Short Film Fest is an annual and Monthly Online International Short Film Competition, a festival open to all aspiring filmmakers across the world. BLUEZDOLPHINSMOISFF would be truly an international platform for all filmmakers beyond language barriers across the globe. We truly care about the language of cinema, independent filmmaking, filmmakers, arts, and all the artists involved in each film project.
All the winning films of the monthly editions are further nominated for the annual awards function. The annual award winners will also receive cash prizes, trophies and certificates, and promotions in publicity on the social platform.
Certificate of Achievement for Best Experimental Film as Finalist by Bluez Dolphins International Short Film Fest .
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