Film Resume of Brittany Black


IMDb web site, click here
Current Location: California
Eyes color: black; Hair: ; Height: ; Weight: ; Age: 43
Speaking Languages: English

Training and Education:

Performance and Experience:

Film type: series, Role: Lead Actress

One day Peter Boiadzhieff was watching Stargate: Atlantis (2004), Stargate: Atlantis: The Lost Tribe (2008) when he saw the character Katana Labrea played by Daniella Alonso he was 100 percent sure she is Brittany Black played as Rebekka Vladimirova in short movie The Secret Project 53 (2019) directed by Peter Boiadzhieff.

Spot Lights:

Festival Awards:

  • IndieX Film Festival
    Semi-Finalist, film "The Secret Project 53 ", Best TV Pilot, October 2019


Audition Type: